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Pre-Rally stage of preparations starts a month before the rally, when Supplementary Regulations are published. The regulations include detailed rally timetable, the Itinerary and rally maps. These documents contain key information for all team members to carry out his job.   

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DRIVER:  Driver’s task is to study published documents to learn as much as he can on the special stages he will drive on during the rally. After viewing videos which show a reconnaissance drive through of all the rally Special Stages he identifies the fragments of each stage which can be driven full speed and those which are dangerous, require special attention, specific driving techniques or tactics to minimize the time it takes to finish the stage. Driver tries to memorize sequence of curves, straights, crests in preparation for the pace notes he will dictate to the co-driver during official reconnaissance. Often, the driver searches his onboard archives for previous rallies with the same spacial stages as well as searches Youtube archives for other divers’ on board videos from these stages. Just before the rally driver and co-driver should jointly watch key videos to discuss best tactics on each stage a well as best way to note key elements in the pace notes.

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CO-DRIVER:  Driver’s studies the Supplementary Regulations with a view to learn the rally schedule and program as well as to identify any non standard provisions that may be contained in the regulations (i.e. starting procedures), requirements that the team must meet in order to enter the rally, etc. His obligation is to file the enty form and complete all other formal requirements (including requests for extra service space and joint service location). Pilot must carry all administrative taska before the rally as well as muster the rally schedule. He studies maps to learn all road sections between control points, understand and memorize distances, locations, roads to get to all locations, time it takes to get there. Just before the rally driver and co-driver should jointly watch key videos to discuss best tactics on the stage a well as best way to note key elements in the pace notes.


SERVICE BOSS:  He must plan all service logistics: when the service team must arrive in the service park to set up service bay on time; plan parking of the trailer and none essential cars of the team members for which there may be no place in the service bay; calculate rally fuel needs during the rally and check if proper fuel is locally available, decide what tires will be needed during the rally,  plan and arrange for service bay supplies, in-service bay meals, drinks (water/ tea/ coffee). He also coordinates service bay preparations, packing of Service Van, monitors service dates for all fire equipment, assures availability of properly equipped first aid kits. He is responsible for refueling and tire change planning, medical first aid, fire prevention and Covid safety arrangements. He plans arrival of the service team to the rally. and departure after the rally. Monitors weather conditions and forecasts. 

CHIEF MECHANIC: His duty is to make sure that the rally car is serviced, prepared and equipped for the rally, all service tools and spare parts are on Service Van; the trailer and Service Van are rally action ready.    

Pre Rally
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